EKS Anywhere docker provider deployments
EKS Anywhere supports a Docker provider for development and testing use cases only. This allows you to try EKS Anywhere on your local machine or laptop before deploying to other infrastructure such as vSphere or bare metal.
System and network requirements
- Mac OS 10.15+ / Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS or 22.04 LTS / RHEL or Rocky Linux 8.8+
- 4 CPU cores
- 16GB memory
- 30GB free disk space
- If you are running in an airgapped environment, the Admin machine must be amd64.
Here are a few other things to keep in mind:
If you are using Ubuntu, use the Docker CE installation instructions to install Docker and not the Snap installation, as described here.
If you are using EKS Anywhere v0.15 or earlier and Ubuntu 21.10 or 22.04, you will need to switch from cgroups v2 to cgroups v1. For details, see Troubleshooting Guide.
Install EKS Anywhere CLI tools
To get started with EKS Anywhere, you must first install the eksctl
CLI and the eksctl anywhere
This is the primary interface for EKS Anywhere and what you will use to create a local Docker cluster. The EKS Anywhere plugin requires eksctl version 0.66.0 or newer.
Note if you already have eksctl
installed, you can install the eksctl anywhere
plugin manually following the instructions in the following section.
This package also installs kubectl
and aws-iam-authenticator
brew install aws/tap/eks-anywhere
Install eksctl
curl "https://github.com/weaveworks/eksctl/releases/latest/download/eksctl_$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" \
--silent --location \
| tar xz -C /tmp
sudo install -m 0755 /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin/eksctl
Install the eksctl-anywhere
RELEASE_VERSION=$(curl https://anywhere-assets.eks.amazonaws.com/releases/eks-a/manifest.yaml --silent --location | yq ".spec.latestVersion")
EKS_ANYWHERE_TARBALL_URL=$(curl https://anywhere-assets.eks.amazonaws.com/releases/eks-a/manifest.yaml --silent --location | yq ".spec.releases[] | select(.version==\"$RELEASE_VERSION\").eksABinary.$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z).uri")
--silent --location \
| tar xz ./eksctl-anywhere
sudo install -m 0755 ./eksctl-anywhere /usr/local/bin/eksctl-anywhere
Install kubectl
. See the Kubernetes documentation
for more information.
export OS="$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)" ARCH=$(test "$(uname -m)" = 'x86_64' && echo 'amd64' || echo 'arm64')
curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/${OS}/${ARCH}/kubectl"
sudo install -m 0755 ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Create a local Docker cluster
Generate a cluster config. The cluster config will contain the settings for your local Docker cluster. The eksctl anywhere generate command populates a cluster config with EKS Anywhere defaults and best practices.
CLUSTER_NAME=mgmt eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME \ --provider docker > $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml
The command above creates a file named eksa-cluster.yaml with the contents below in the path where it is executed. The configuration specification is divided into two sections: Cluster and DockerDatacenterConfig. These are the minimum configuration settings you must provide to create a Docker cluster. You can optionally configure OIDC, etcd, proxy, and GitOps as described here.
apiVersion: anywhere.eks.amazonaws.com/v1alpha1 kind: Cluster metadata: name: mgmt spec: clusterNetwork: cniConfig: cilium: {} pods: cidrBlocks: - services: cidrBlocks: - controlPlaneConfiguration: count: 1 datacenterRef: kind: DockerDatacenterConfig name: mgmt externalEtcdConfiguration: count: 1 kubernetesVersion: "1.28" managementCluster: name: mgmt workerNodeGroupConfigurations: - count: 1 name: md-0 --- apiVersion: anywhere.eks.amazonaws.com/v1alpha1 kind: DockerDatacenterConfig metadata: name: mgmt spec: {}
Create Docker Cluster. Note the following command may take several minutes to complete. You can run the command with -v 6 to increase logging verbosity to see the progress of the command.
For a regular cluster create (with internet access), type the following:
eksctl anywhere create cluster -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml
For an airgapped cluster create, follow Preparation for airgapped deployments instructions, then type the following:
eksctl anywhere create cluster -f $CLUSTER_NAME.yaml --bundles-override ./eks-anywhere-downloads/bundle-release.yaml
Expand for sample output:
Performing setup and validations ✅ validation succeeded {"validation": "docker Provider setup is valid"} Creating new bootstrap cluster Installing cluster-api providers on bootstrap cluster Provider specific setup Creating new workload cluster Installing networking on workload cluster Installing cluster-api providers on workload cluster Moving cluster management from bootstrap to workload cluster Installing EKS-A custom components (CRD and controller) on workload cluster Creating EKS-A CRDs instances on workload cluster Installing GitOps Toolkit on workload cluster GitOps field not specified, bootstrap flux skipped Deleting bootstrap cluster 🎉 Cluster created! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are only available to customers with the Amazon EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
NOTE: to install curated packages during cluster creation, use
--install-packages packages.yaml
flag -
Access Docker cluster
Once the cluster is created you can use it with the generated
in the local directory. If you used the same naming conventions as the example above, you will find aeksa-cluster/eksa-cluster-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig
in the directory where you ran the commands.export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-eks-a-cluster.kubeconfig kubectl get ns
Example command output
NAME STATUS AGE capd-system Active 21m capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system Active 21m capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system Active 21m capi-system Active 21m capi-webhook-system Active 21m cert-manager Active 22m default Active 23m eksa-packages Active 23m eksa-system Active 20m kube-node-lease Active 23m kube-public Active 23m kube-system Active 23m
You can now use the cluster like you would any Kubernetes cluster.
The following command will deploy a test application:
kubectl apply -f "https://anywhere.eks.amazonaws.com/manifests/hello-eks-a.yaml"
To interact with the deployed application, review the steps in the Deploy test workload page .
Next steps:
See the Cluster management section for more information on common operational tasks like scaling and deleting the cluster.
See the Package management section for more information on post-creation curated packages installation.